Join Our Junior Golf Database

Join Our Junior Golf Database

Girls who are interested in playing in the 2025 Mack Champ Invitationals should fill out the form below by Jan. 31, 2025. Boys should complete the form by Feb. 28.

Join Our Junior Golf Database – Updated August 2023

Parent/Guardian Information

Address *

Player Information

Gender *
Ethnicity *
LPGA*USGA Girls Golf Member?
AJGA ACE Grant recipient? *
What kind of putter do you use? *
Player Headshot (.jpg or .png) *

Maximum file size: 10MB

Swing Video *

Maximum file size: 10MB

By checking this box I hereby consent to the participation in interviews, the use of quotes, and the taking of photographs or videos for the player named above. I also grant to the Cameron Champ Foundation and the Mack Champ Invitational and their sponsors the right to edit, use, and reuse said products for nonprofit purposes including use in print, on the internet, and all other forms of media. I also hereby release the Cameron Champ Foundation and the Mack Champ Invitational and its agents and employees from all claims, demands, and liabilities whatsoever in connection with the above.
The Cameron Champ Foundation and Mack Champ Invitational are committed to providing opportunities for junior golfers from diverse backgrounds and may from time to time share a player’s contact information with college coaches or other individuals who are interested in connecting with talented players. If you do not want us to share your information in these situations, please fill out the form on our Contact page to let us know.
The Cameron Champ Foundation and Mack Champ Invitational may email you based on this application. You may unsubscribe from these communications at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link in the email. For more information on our privacy practices, please review our Privacy Policy.
I hereby release the host facility, the Cameron Champ Foundation, its officers, directors, employees, any and all sponsors and all of each company’s respective officers, employees, and affiliates from any and all liability for any event or consequence arising out of or relating to participation in the Mack Champ Invitational with the sole and singular exception of liability arising out of bad faith or willful misconduct. I agree that there are certain risks inherent in the game of golf and accept personal and sole liability for all such risks and damage incurred in conjunction with the Mack Champ Invitational. Examples include, but are not limited to: any health-related or safety issues and damage to the golf course, private property, host hotel or other event-related venues. In case of emergency during the Mack Champ Invitational, I, as the parent and/or guardian of the tournament participant, or as the tournament participant if older than 18 years of age, authorize a qualified medical doctor or on-site medical staff to take all necessary measures in the treatment of the aforementioned tournament participant.
Electronic Signature – Parent/Guardian
Electronic Signature – Parent/Guardian
Electronic Signature – Player (18+ only)
Electronic Signature – Player (18+ only)
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